Dr. Jesse Borys
Board Certified Podiatric Surgeon
1525 Oregon Pike, Suite 1201
Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: (717) 393-4503 Fax: (717) 393-5524
(717) 393-4503
Same day or next day appointments available!
Get quality time with a doctor for your care
Common Conditions we treat:
Ankle Pain / Sprain / Fracture
Custom Orthotics
Diabetic Ulcers
Diabetic Footcare
Elderly Footcare
Fungal toenails / Athlete's Foot
Foot Pain / Sprain / Fractures
Heel Pain / Plantar Fasciitis
Ingrown Toenails
Surgery (Minimally Invasive Options)
Wound Care
1525 Oregon Pike
Suite #1201
Lancaster, PA 17601
Directions: Turn into road next to Friendly's restaurant building, head further down the road past the restaurant and turn left at the office buildings and suite 1201 is on the right with foot signs in the windows
Ample parking including handicap parking spots
No steps required to get to office
Friendly office staff and welcoming waiting room
Timely appointments
Excellent patient care
Attention to patient comfort
Emergency after hours phone number: (717) 256 👣 2671